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Approved Leader Of National Guard | Neel Xavier

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New member
Apr 23, 2024
1. Your name IR
L - Soham Sengupta

2. Your age - 21

3. Time zone - IST +5:30

4. Average online per day - 8 hours in weekdays 4-5 hours in weekend's

5. Your Discord - neelx1088

6. Your Nickname
- Neel Xavier

7. Your ID - N/A

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

First of all i want to say that National Guard was the first Organisation i Have Joined In Other Rp cities Eg ( Grand Rp ) i had serverd 14 terms in total . I have been Hods of department and dhod also and after Everything i had serverd as deputy a leader also (4 terms ) So After This Much Time I Have Spent In Ng only its like my another home or an emotion too me !

My second reason is that in these many terms i have seen Many Ups And Downs For NGs To Face And many problems So I Think I Am Capable For Taking Over NG And Work As A Leader With All My Efforts And Passion So NG Will Always Be remarkable

Third Reason Will Be As From Previous Experience Everyone thought That NG Is A Boring Organisation But I wana Prove Them Wrong Thats Its Not I will Try To Keep Activites On Going Some good Amount Of Bonuses And New Stuffs Also Like Combat Trainig

We will have 4 departments :-

Human Resources
- For recruiting and training purposes

Special Air and Sea Division - Will do all combat based operations, attend all globals and events

Air Force - For scouting missions, transport etc

Military Police - For making sure internal rules and regulations are followed properly.

I would make few changes in rank structure and roles.


- General
- Deputy General
- Brigadier
- Colonel
- Lieutenant
- Field Officer
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Specialist
- Private
- Recruit
- Suspended

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization ?

I will make sure the New people are trained properly first with the rules of role play because they have a crucial role for future officers.

To train this new people I should first have a properly trained HR division which is perfect in training people properly and make sure the new people don’t do any rule breaks in role play.

The High commands will also be looking after all the works and ensure everything is working smoothly.

There will be a fixed and proper Bonus System for all departments and also i will be holding few special events inside base from my pocket to cheer up the members and will motivate them to work hard.

I will always be strict on ranks and promotions.

I will demote my closest friends if i think they don’t deserve it. So favouritism wont work under my leadership. Everyone is equal to National guard . This helps in increasing the role play.


Neel Xavier
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