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Approved Leader of Government | Diigy Rezarov

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Drax silvester

Drax Silvester
May 19, 2024
1. name IRL : Diganta
2. Your age : 24
3. Time zone : + 5.30
4. Average online per day : 8-9 hrs
5. Discord : .nonebutd
6. Nickname : Diigy Rezarov
7. ID : N/A

Additional information
1. Leader of Government

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1 . Influence and Power :
As Governor, you wield significant influence over the city's policies and direction. You can shape the legislative framework, set priorities, and make decisions that impact all residents. This role allows you to create a vision for the city and implement strategies to achieve it, providing a sense of accomplishment and control And I have also many friends who join this city and help me with their experience and experties

2.Community Improvement:
Holding a leadership position enables you to work directly on improving the community. Whether it’s enhancing public services, addressing crime, or fostering economic development, being a Governor gives you the platform to enact positive changes that benefit everyone. You can champion initiatives that lead to a safer, more prosperous, and more vibrant city.
3.Problem-Solving and Challenges:
The role of Governor is inherently challenging, involving complex problem-solving and critical thinking. This can be intellectually stimulating and rewarding as you navigate crises, mediate conflicts, and find innovative solutions to persistent issues. The dynamic nature of governance in a dark city setting ensures a constantly evolving set of challenges.

4.Leadership and Legacy:
As Governor, you have the opportunity to demonstrate and hone your leadership skills. This role involves managing teams, making executive decisions, and representing the city in various capacities. Your tenure can leave a lasting legacy, with your policies and projects having a long-term impact on the city’s future.

5.Roleplaying Experience:
The Governor role offers a rich and immersive roleplaying experience. It allows you to engage deeply with the game's political and social systems, interact with a wide range of characters, and participate in high-stakes scenarios. This enhances your overall engagement with the game, making the experience more enjoyable and fulfilling.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

- Meeting the event requirements every week.
- Keeping activity at good places with the good numbers.
- Avoiding rule break or warns throughout the term
- Provide Justice and equality for all With a help of Great Legislations
- make the DOC active
- offers jobs to citizens and set nominal price for licenses

Chain of Command :

30. Governor
29. Deputy Governor
28. Attorney General
27. Supreme Court Justice
26. Chief of Staff
25. Director of Depertment
24. District Court Judge
------Trusted Staff------
23. Head of IRS
22. Warden
21. Deputy Director
20. Deputy Warden
19. Commander of USSS
---High Command----------
18. Lead State Attorney
17. Public Relations Liaison
16. Lead Agent USSS
15. Supervisor
14. USSS Lead Anti Terrorist Squad
13. Senior State Attorney
12. USSS Anti Terrorist Squad
11. Elite Secret Service Agent
10. Senior Secret Service
-----Enlisted personal-----------
9. State Attorney
8. Special Secret Service Agent
7. Junior State Attorney
6. DOC Agent
5. USSS Agent
4. Law Student
3. Junior Agent
2. Trainee
1. Janitor

regards :- Diigy Rezarov

Samantha Parker

Senior Curator
Senior Administration
Apr 23, 2024

Your Interview is Approved
Contact me in Discord for further details.

Suhaib King

Technical Administration
Deputy Chief Administrator
Feb 18, 2024
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