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Sathvik Tiitan

New member
Apr 16, 2024
  1. Your name IRL : Sathvik Titan
  2. Your age : 18
  3. Time zone : IST( GMT +5:30 )
  4. Average online per day : 6+hours
  5. Your Discord : sathvik9900
  6. Your Nickname : Sathvik Titan
  7. Your ID : N/A

  1. Additional Information
Leader Of Bloods
  1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
    When I become leader of Bloods I plan to try to do my best in assisting the city at becoming better with RP in general. I personally have seen a lot more people in the city stray further and further away from RP. I believe with having the right gang with a strong and understanding Leader (like me) and High Commands behind me, I will be able to bring out the best in Gang RP. I want to breathe life back into the ghetto & have it be more of a competition. I am ready & determined to Lead Bloods, with myself as leader the city will become a little less boring and more entertaining for all.

    In order to be a good leader, the first thing you need to know is how to Lead. When you are in a leadership role you need to be able to pick the right deputies and HC to assist you in leading your gang, when picking these deputies, you need to look for some of the same characteristic you have as a leader as well. Leading a gang of people is not easy but, if you have the proper communication skills leading can be simple. The next thing that is important is to Listen and to make sure others listen to you as well. When leading a gang, it is important to treat everyone with respect and also to make sure your gang members treating each other with respect. Without listening and respecting each other the gang will fall apart easily. Even Leaders can learn from their peers and others ranked below them, we are all constantly learning from each other. That leads me into my last reason, which is Learn, it kind of ties in with listening because without listening to each other we won't learn from each other and without learning we are unable to grow. It is important to have the mindset that learning is a daily thing especially in gangs. If we do not do well in an event, then we will learn to do better.

    3.Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
    As of in the previous city I am having a great experience in the Gangs specifically so I have proper leadership skills to coordinate my gang to perform the proper things especially in doing role play in every functions independent of all

    Chain Of Command

    Boss- 12
    Under Boss- 11
    Demon- 10
    Warlord - 9
    Lord - 8
    Turfer - 7
    Thud - 6
    Sprayer - 5
    Gangster - 4
    Hustler- 3
    Destroyer- 2
    The Real one 1

    Goals for Bloods:
    Max Turf/Max Spray Profits
    Gun stores & FZ Raids daily
    More side gang activities like fight nights, racing or arena nights.
    Spreading more respect in the city
    Max Activities in Ghetto & Hostage Situations
    Cland Top Ranking & Parachutes

    Thank you for taking the time in reading my application. I hope to show you all soon the wonderful Leader I can be.

    Sathvik Titan

Suhaib King

Technical Administration
Deputy Chief Administrator
Feb 18, 2024

Suhaib King

Technical Administration
Deputy Chief Administrator
Feb 18, 2024
On Consideration
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